About the client

Gifts are a wonderful way of expressing our love. When you think of gifting your loved ones, no matter whatever is the occasion or wherever they are in the world, Gift Point is there to take care of your gifting need as its own and makes sure that your beloved friends or family members receive the best to make their day memorable at both your ends. We care for your feelings!

Project information


Photoshop, Illustrator, WordPress


Asif Khan

Completion Date

26 - 12 - 2022


Bahria Islamabad

Website Link

Project goals

European languages are members of the same family. The languages only differ in their grammar, their pronu nciation and their most common words. sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose. European languages are members of the same family. 

  • Digital  how will activities impact traditional manufacturing.
  • All these digital elements and projects aim to enhance .
  • I monitor my staff with software that takes screenshots.
  • Laoreet dolore magna sodium glutimate hendrerit.
  • Veniam Minim quis niacin sodium nostrud exerci dolor.

Pronunciation and more common words. If several languages coalesce.  over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose. Over the years, sometimes by  purpose.

Final outcome of this project

The languages only differ in their grammar, their pronu nciation and their most common words. sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose. European languages are members of the same family european languages are members of the same family.

  • How will digital activities impact traditional manufacturing.
  • All these digital elements and projects aim to enhance .
  • I monitor my staff with software that takes screenshots.
  • Dolore magna niacin sodium aliquam hendrerit.
  • Minim veniam quis niacin nostrud exerci dolor.

If several languages coalesce.  over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose. Over the years, sometimes by accident, on purpose. European languages are of the same family are members of the same family.